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Studying abroad in Victoria


I've been staying to study English in Victoria, Canada since early May.

I want to communicate with people who visit Japan and are interested in Japanese culture. That's cause why I am studying English even though I'm almost 70s.

I'm studying at EF Vancouver Island in Victoria.

I wondered if I could become friends because students are very young. I was not sure they would treat me as their friend.

Fortunately, it wasn't necessary to consider it.

My classmates are almost under 20 years old.

They are very kind to me. When I was struggling with the exercise, one girl of them helped me. From then, she sits beside me and leads me in a good way.

Other classmates are helpful too.

If you are old and plan to study abroad, don't worry.

There is information about EF Vancouver Island that Ms.Jasmine Li: Academic Coordinator, gave me for this article below this sentence. (Thank you so much, Ms.Jasmine)


Currently at EF Vancouver Island, there are approximately 120 students as of today, but we will be seeing 430 students in the summer!

Our students are usually 15-25 years old but we do have some mature students who crave challenges (I'm talking about Zack ), or younger students (13-14) who choose to spend their vacation learning English and traveling.

the students are from various countries, but mainly South America - we have a large percentage of Mexican students, Columbians, and Ecuadorians. Other than that we also have a lot of students from Japan, France, Belgium, Italy, etc.

Our classes are usually divided by English Proficiency Levels. With our current numbers, we only have 7 classes, however, we will have up to 25 classes in the summer to accommodate students.

Apart from General English Classes, we also have a wide range of Special Interest Classes. Depending on what the teacher enjoys teaching, we have the standard Language Improvement Classes and/or exciting adventurous classes. We tend to change the classes every 6 weeks to let the students try different things!






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