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ピーナッツの生い立ち   Do you know how peanuts grow?




Chiba is famous for production of peanuts. The yield is No.1 in all Japan and is about 80% of peanuts produced in Japan. Peanuts grown in Chiba are absolutely delicious. Do you know how they grow?

ピーナツは土の中にできると聞きました。不思議なので庭で育ててみました。 種が売っていました。

私達が食べる豆ですが、生で保存してあります。 4月20日、8か所に3粒づつ蒔きました。5月末に葉っぱが出てきました。一番いいのだけ残しました。

I heard that peanuts grow under the ground and that interested me, so I tried growing peanuts in my garden. I found the seeds were sold just like other flower seeds. The seeds are the nuts we eat but they have been preserved uncooked. I planted three seeds in 8 different places on April 20th. I found the new leaves coming up at the end of May and in each case left the best one of the three to grow.



6月4日、小さくてかわいい黄色い花が咲きました。一日でしぼんでしまいました。日本語で別名「落花生」と言うので 「落ちたところから」えるのかと思っていました。ところが、しばらくすると花の付け根から子房柄と呼ばれるものが伸びてきました。そして、これが本当に不思議なことに、地面にささり、潜っていったのです。芽を出すときに土を破り、又実を作るときに土に突き刺さっていく。凄いエネルギーだと思いました。ある地域では「地潜り豆」と呼ぶそうですが確かに「地」面に「潜」る(go underground)「豆」(nuts)です。英語の別名に"ground nuts" があると知りました。

On June 4th, a pretty little yellow flower bloomed and it faded the next day. As peanut is called "rakkassei" in Japanese spelled like「落」raku=”drop" 「花」ka="flower" 「生」sei="grow", I imagined a nut would grow from where the flower dropped on the ground. But that was not right. Something called gynophore started growing from the root where the flower bloomed and mysteriously it pushed into the ground ! It was really amazing. The seed shoots up from underground and now goes into the ground. How energetic! I found ,in some district, peanut is called "jimogurimame" spelled like 「地」ji=”ground"「潜る」moguru=”go underground"「豆」mame="nuts". I also found that there's another name in English, too ,"ground nuts" .Those seem to be the right name to call peanut by another name.


葉っぱがわさわさ茂ってきました。 花も次から次へ咲いては落ちました。子房柄が沢山出てきました。

In summer, the ground was covered with lots of leaves. Many flowers bloomed one after another and they faded away one after another. Lots of gynophore started growing and extending into the ground.



We can't see what will go on under the ground, but there's a photo from the hp of Chiba City

on the left. Digging up one nut to see if it's big enough is recommended. The one showing the mesh on a shell shows it's ready to be dug up. It is always a surprise to see only a tiny seed grow many beautiful flowers or fruits. Just like other seeds, one single seed nut grew plenty of leaves, flowers and plenty of nuts by only bathing in sunshine and absorbing water and nutrients from the ground. It is really amazing!


鍋にたっぷりの水と塩を少し入れて茹でてみました。40分茹でる、と書いてありました。30分で試食したらまだ固かったので40分待って 剥いてみました。ピーナツが入っています! 掘りたて、茹でたてのピーナツはとても甘くて美味しかったです。

I boiled the nuts in a pan with a lot of hot water and a little bit of salt for 40minutes as instructed on the internet. I tried one when 30 minutes passed, but it was still hard. I waited for 40minutes and broke the shell. Then the familiar nuts appeared !

Peanuts freshly dug up from my garden and boiled were so sweet and delicious.



I read that when the leaves turn yellow it is the right time to dig them up. Following the suggestion I dug them all up on November 5th. Peanut farmers dry them under the sun like the photo in the middle from "wikipedia" for several days and roast them to sell as a product.


千葉県では1998年よりピーナツの品種改良を進め20年後の2018年に ”Pなっつ"の上をいく"Qなっつ"を販売開始しました。一層の甘みを追求したナッツです。 ぜひお試しください。

Chiba prefecture started selective breeding of peanuts in 1998 and 20years later, they came to sell the new brand of peanuts named "Qなっつ” ーqnuts better than pnutsー which was designed to be sweeter and tastier than pnuts. Please try ”Qなっつ” as well as peanuts.





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